I got another dog.
It hasn't even been two weeks yet since Mac passed away. I knew I would eventually get another four legged roommate, but I figured I'd take some time to heal a bit. (Emotionally AND financially - all the homeopathic meds and Omaha steaks got pricey. Worth every penny, but it did add up!)
And mostly, I didn't want to feel like I was trying to replace Mac. And I'm not. He was truly one of a kind, and I will always, always miss him.
But...my house was just so, so quiet. It was making me miss Mac even more. I felt like coming home to silence was just making Mac's absence even more apparent.
I started looking on Petfinder, thinking it would take a while. I didn't really have any specific criteria- just a dog that I clicked with. When I found Mac on Petfinder, it was love at first sight. I saw his picture and just knew he was MY dog. So this time I was looking for something similar- maybe not as strong as love at first sight, but just a feeling that this dog stood out, had a little extra personality.
I knew I wanted a shelter dog- there are so many good dogs that need homes. And I truly believe that shelter dogs know that you rescued them, and they love even more because of it. I kind of thought I wouldn't get a purebred- they're harder to come by in shelters anyway, and I liked the idea of a scrappy mutt. And I was thinking a Pit mix would be nice- so many shelters are overflowing with Pits,and they're such misunderstood dogs. I wasn't trying to replace Mac, but since he was such an amazing dog, I didn't think there was anything wrong with looking for a dog with some of his characteristics!
On Thanksgiving, I showed my family the listings for a few "finalists," and asked for their vote. I'm sure they were all great dogs, but there was one that just kind of stood out. Ironically, he received the least votes. And he's a purebred- a Boston terrier.
His name was Brewski (which has since been changed- I don't think he liked it either, as he never really responded to it!). I called the shelter on Friday and, since work was pretty quiet, went in to see him on my lunch break. The staff at the shelter said he was an owner surrender, that he doesn't get along with other dogs, and that his previous owner had two other dogs. They said that when Brewski was brought in, he just cowered in the back of his kennel. They told me that he wasn't friendly, and that the reason no one had picked him yet was because he was so standoffish, and that he could be "reactive and vocal" - he gets overstimulated very easily and responds by barking.
I took him out for a "get to know you" stroll, and we just clicked. I sat on a rock outside and he climbed all over me, licking my face. When we went back inside, the staff was shocked. They said they couldn't believe this was the same dog, and that he had never warmed up to anyone like that. It was at that point I knew I would take him. He sat quietly at my feet while I filled out the paperwork. The staff said they usually have a longer approval process, but after seeing us together, they approved me on the spot. When I said I had to go back to work, we agreed I would come back the following morning for him. It was like Brewski realized and started to freak out- he jumped up and put his front paws on the counter. He refused to budge when it was time to take him back to his kennel.
Meet Brewster:

We are still getting used to each other, but so far, so good. We spent last night at my parents' house- I was nervous he'd be getting in to stuff, but he was great. From what I can tell, his previous owners mustn't have spent a whole lot of time with him- he is starved for attention, and timid with new people. He's been responding pretty quickly to new commands and seems to be adjusting pretty well.
He's not Mac; I'll always love Mac, but I think I'm going to love this guy too.

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