
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Pimpin' ain't easy

Mark your calendars: I had two dates this weekend. With two different guys. This doesn't happen often.

So now I'm in a pickle: I like them both. For totally different reasons. I wish I could combine them, because both of them have qualities I'm looking for, but neither is my perfect guy. (Not that I'm looking for my "perfect" guy, because Lord knows, I'm far from perfect...but you catch my drift.)

Guy #1 is...hmm, how to describe him....well, I'll be blunt: he's a bit dorky. Socially awkward, even. He needs a fashion makeover in a big way. (Full disclosure: I am in NO way saying I'm the greatest thing ever. These are just my honest opinions on these guys.) The thought of introducing him to my friends makes me a little hesitant. But...he's really cute, really smart, and incredibly thoughtful and considerate. And he's tall. Never been married, no kids- a rarity at this age. I don't think he's a player at all, partly because he has no game lol. He's sincere and sweet...although maybe, umm, a little less dynamic than I'm used to. However, he seems like an all-around great guy: he even rearranged his work schedule to be able to take his grandma to doctor appointments and spend more time with her. We've gone on 3 dates so far. I had a great time, but they were pretty basic dates-movies, dinner or drinks at chain restaurants that I've already been to.

Guy #2 is adorable. He's short, but super cute and really charming and funny. He's sharp, but not book smart like Guy #1- he's more savvy smart. I can totally picture bringing him out with work friends, regular friends, the whole thing. But...he's divorced and has 2 kids...who are teenagers. On one hand, I'd rather deal with someone who has teenagers, versus toddlers...but still. I've never dated someone with kids, or someone who's divorced, for that matter. I'm not sure I can deal with it. However, he's really cute and makes me laugh a LOT and is someone I could see myself having a blast with. I have an easier rapport with him than I do with Guy #1. His lifestyle is more of what I want in life- he travels a lot, sails, loves to go out to new places...but could be a bit of a player. I'm not sure. We had our first date tonight- he put some thought into it and came up with somewhere I've never been, and it was on the water with a great view (we had dinner and drinks). I had a harder time reading him- I wasn't sure if the date was going well...until he asked me out for next weekend.

The other thing is Guy #2 is more direct. He's already asked me out again, and Guy #1 hasn't contacted me since our last date (Friday). I guess I'm just going to ride this out for a little bit and see where things go. And who knows- maybe one or both of them will decide they're not into me!

I guess what they say is true: when it rains, it pours. A while back I was on a really bad streak of getting stood up- literally three Fridays in a row, I got stood up by a different guy! And I've earned the nickname "Shit Magnet" from my friends- notice i said earned. I got that nickname the hard way- attracting the wrong guy wayyyy too many times. Now I'm having a hard time figuring out who I want to go out with! This isn't the norm for me, but I guess I'll take it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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