
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mac the wonder dog

I live on the second floor of my house. Mac has a potty routine- when he wants to go out, he goes to the back door and waits.

This morning after he ate his breakfast, he went over the the door. I opened it and he headed out onto the landing of the back stairwell. I told him "if you want to go out, I'll take you, but it's raining." He immediately turned around and went back into the apartment, and refused to go back out.

We just went to pick up my friend Lesley at the bus station downtown. Mac LOVES Lesley- we dropped her off at home, he started getting agitated as soon as we approached her street. By the time we got other house, he was screeching and jumping around the car. I'd like to say this doesn't usually happen, but that wouldn't be true. We actually have a routine with Lesley- Mac gets so upset when she leaves the car, so I have to say my goodbyes before we get to her house. Then I pull up and she gets out as quickly as possible. No lingering, no chatting. Just "ok, bye," then run.

It's pouring out here, so Mac is still refusing to potty outside. After we dropped Lesley off I caught him trying to go in the garage. I stopped him in time, but now I'm concerned- he still hasn't gone and now won't go back outside. I have a bad feeling I'm going to find a surprise in my house.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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