
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Status update

Had to take Mac to the vet for an emergency visit today. He started throwing up (in my car) late Saturday night and hasn't been eating for the past couple days. I had caught him eating something in the yard Saturday during the day -which he NEVER does - so at first I just chalked it up to him eating something funky. Monday I was concerned, but not freaking out. We lounged around for most of the day and I thought he was on the mend. Then Tuesday he wasn't eating at all and was super lethargic- he refused to go up and down the stairs on his own. I had to carry him in and out to go to the bathroom. That really, really sent me into a panic. This morning I called the vet as soon as they opened at 8am; they were really great and squeezed him in pretty quickly.

His vet thinks it's hopefully a stomach bug and gave him a prescription to help with the nausea. However....the news was not all good. I've been noticing a few other weird symptoms lately, which I had figured was just old age. Turns out the vet thinks Mac may have something called Cushing's disease. There is treatment for it, but the treatment involves frequent blood tests to make sure other organs aren't being damaged. Mac is such a spaz at the vet, so this isn't a good option. I'm starting to have to make decisions about quality vs quantity of life, and that just plain sucks.

Sorry...I promise I'll post a blog that's not a total downer at some point!! We have just had a rough couple weeks over here.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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