
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My dog is more Internet savvy than my dad

Mac and I are enjoying a relaxing night in. I think he may be getting sick of Omaha burgers, and I'm desperate to get him to eat we got Chinese takeout tonight. Yes, we. Mac has been eating beef teriyaki lately. At this point, if he'll eat it, I'll try it.

(Yes, I was previously couponing at my coffee table. Don't mind the mess. Behind Mac is the vacuum he peed on a couple weeks ago.)

After Mac ate 3 pieces of teriyaki and a couple boneless ribs, I felt like celebrating. So we called my parents to share the good news.

My dad recently got an iPod touch. This is a major step up for him. I had shown him how to use FaceTime, so I suggested we FaceTime so Mac could "see" my parents.

BIG mistake. Ever seen the TMZ video of John Mayer giving his dad tech support? (Not sure if this link will work, but here it is for your viewing pleasure: Well, that's what it feels like. I was on the phone with my dad- my iphone to their land line, trying to explain to him what the FaceTime icon looks like. After nearly losing my mind, I was able to explain to my dad how to enable FaceTime and Mac was able to FaceTime chat with my parents.

Aside from nearly reaching through the phone and throttling my dad, I was glad we FaceTimed. They've been worried about Mac, too, and when they saw him just a coupe days ago he was in worse shape. I was happy they were able to see that he's perked up a little.

In the meantime, we are taking it easy. I went to bed really early last night and I think it did a world of good! I'm just enjoying the time I have with my favorite guy.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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