
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Hot mess

Slow start today- still recovering from last night! What started out as a quiet night went downhill fast. I had no plans until 5pm, when I made an executive decision to join some colleagues for drinks at our favorite watering hole. One of the guys from work had tickets to the Pawtucket Arts Festival and was looking for someone to join him, so I went. Then I ran into another friend who was volunteering there (selling tickets at the beer tent lol) so WE went out. Then another friend texted me, so went out with him for late night drinks. Whew.

Today I'm going to the Providence Art Festival with a friend and her daughter Fiona. Fi is probably my favorite kid- she is 7 going on 35, but not in an obnoxious or fresh way. She is hilarious and really freakin' smart. After the art festival we're going to Pinkberry, which I'm VERY excited about- I've never been!

The weather is glorious here today, so I'm trying to get my behind in gear. I think I still smell like booze, so it's probably a good idea to shower before hanging out with kids.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Lounging in bed

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