
Monday, September 5, 2011

Losing it

When I lived with my parents, many mornings I heard chatter from the kitchen downstairs. Knowing that my mom is not a morning person, I once asked my dad who he was talking to. He replied "oh, Mac and I were just talking and laughing." At which point I realized: JP is nuts. Although Mac is an incredibly bright dog.

Fast forward to Friday night: instead of going out after work, I came home because I was tired. Warning sign number one. I stayed in and watched the Joy Behar show (probably warning sign number 2).....and sat with Mac, laughing away. Clearly the apple doesn't fall far from the crazy tree.

Last week after the hurricane, my parents were without power for four days. Meanwhile, here in the 'hood, mine never even flickered. So after a couple power-free days in cowtown, they realized my dad's stockpile of supplies was about to go bad, and I hustled over to clean out the freezers. Yes, multiple freezers. They have the main fridge, a spare fridge in the basement, and a freezer chest in the garage. All packed to the gills. And JP is a huge seafood fan. I am not, but I hate to see good stuff go to waste. I loaded up a big cooler and a couple laundry baskets full - we are talking Omaha steaks and burgers, shrimp, wild salmon, stuffed quahogs....TONS of food. I distributed it amongst my broke friends, and everyone was happy.

Speaking of the hurricane...I spent the day today cleaning up the remainder of debris. I'm actually pretty proud of myself- considering my reformed princess ways, I think I handled that stuff rather well. I borrowed a chainsaw from my parents, but after a little consideration, ended up going with a handsaw. My late great-uncle Marcel (who was extremely handy, unlike me) had a big skill saw, and fairly regularly zipped off bits of fingers. A couple times he even cut off a whole finger (fortunately the digits were able to be reattached. I never asked for more details because I was too horrified). So, I'm a little leery of working with power saws. The handsaw worked fine and I got the job done with only minor injuries- dropped a log on my thumb and cut up my legs on all the branches.

Overall, a bit of a lame weekend....but productive.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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