
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas prep

You know how some people wrap gifts so perfectly? And you don't even want to open it, because it looks so pretty? Some people enjoy wrapping and even add fancy touches, like feathers or ornaments.

Well, I'm not one of those people. (See my earlier post about my arts and crafts project. Wrapping fancy packages is up there with craft projects: not in my skill set.) I invariably get tangled up in scotch tape, misjudge the size of my packages and either have way too much paper or not enough... You get the drift. I just finished wrapping most of my Christmas gifts and I feel like I should get a prize or something.

The main reason I wrapped everything now (instead of Christmas morning) is because I want to give my boss his gift ASAP. I got him a bottle of fancy booze and it makes me nervous to have something so fragile and expensive hanging around! I feel like the longer it's in my possession, the more chance there is of me breaking it. It was the most I've ever spent on a single bottle of alcohol...granted I'm pretty thrifty with consumables, but still...the sooner it's outta here, the better I'll feel.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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