
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Doesn't get better than this

Right now I'm curled up on the couch with my sweet Mac. The Grinch (original version) is on tv and the pup ate nearly an entire filet mignon for dinner. I don't think there is anywhere I'd rather be right now!

The date this week....well, it has taken me this long to blog about it, so obviously it didn't rock my world! It was ok. Not fabulous, not terrible. One thing that really annoys me: I think on the first date you should put your best foot forward. I don't go crazy, but I put thought into what I'm going to wear, try to look nice, etc. I hate it when a guy shows up looking like a schlub! I don't think I'm a perfect 10 by any stretch of the imagination, but I've never been kicked out for eating crackers in bed either. And if someone isn't going to put in some effort on the first date, I don't think they ever will. He was wearing ill-fitting jeans (a little too tight and VERY straight), brand new gleaming white sneakers, and a jacket that looked like it should be a plaid flannel shirt, but was actually a wool barn jacket. And the worst part- bad hair cut. When I first pulled up I thought he had a mullet.

He was really nice. Dorky, but nice. He was a gentleman, held doors open, was polite. But dorky. Again- I don't think I'm the toast of the town, but I can hold my own in most social situations. I can be shy in groups, but one on one I'm in my element. And I can talk to a wall. Usually I can keep a conversation going, no matter with who. I did fundraising, for pete's sake! I can keep a conversation going with deaf old men! This guy was tough. It was like every so often he would just geek out.

So I'm really not sure if there will be a date #2. For now, I much prefer to spend my evening with Mr. Mac!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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