
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Older, definitely. Wiser? Maybe.

It's my birthday this week. Tomorrow, actually. Back in the day, before I got a house, I used to buy myself bday gifts. Like a Coach or Gucci bag I'd had my eye on, a shopping spree at get the picture. This year? A toaster oven. my, how things have changed. If I'm really feeling wild I may also get a new microwave. (Not sure about that...I have one, it's just lousy. The toaster was actually a wise investment as it uses less energy than my clunky, ancient stove.)

To add insult to injury, someone at work gave me a brochure for a singles' group. I know she meant to be nice, and at first I was touched by her thoughtfulness. But then I started thinking about it...prior to receiving the brochure, I had ONE conversation with her. Ever. How, in one conversation about our dogs, did she glean that I'm single/spinsterly/lame?? It's not that I'm offended by the gesture- I really do think she was being sweet- I'm more concerned that I'm somehow giving out a vibe of desperation!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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