
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Holding pattern

Just a quick update on Mac: he is hanging in and defying the vet's expectations. He's eating- not as much as normal, but more than a few days ago.

And typical Mac, all he'll eat? Omaha Steak hamburgers mixed with rice. My stove has gotten more action this week than in the whole time I've owned this house!!

He's also eating a little bit of baby food here and there- the vet had suggested we try giving him that. I was so desperate to get him to eat I would've tried anything. He has gotten REALLY skinny. It hurts my heart to see his ribs poking out.

But...he doesn't seem to be in any pain. He's slower, but still Mac. He just barked when one of my tenants pulled in, and jumped up the chair in the sunroom to see what was going on.

I know that I'm only buying time at this point. But even if I only get a few extra days, I'll take it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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