
Monday, August 22, 2011

Unlucky undies and ditch-me pants

You know how most people have a pair of "lucky underwear?" Well, I have the opposite. It's uncanny- every time I wear this one pair of drawers, bad stuff goes down. After tonight I think I'm throwing them out, which is really a shame, because they're cute and comfortable.

I used to have a pair of pants my BFF nicknamed my "ditch-me pants." Because every time I wore them...I got ditched. Again- a shame. They were really cute (and comfy, because that's number one priority for me) white drawstring waist pants. But after being ditched more times than I care to recall, I had no choice but to pitch 'em. I may have very bad taste in men (BFF doesn't call me "shit magnet" for nothing...I've earned that nickname) but I've been stood up more than any girl should. It's a really good thing I have a sense of humor, because otherwise I'd be really bummed out.

Anyway...the unlucky undies. I wore them tonight, knowing I was taking a risk. I even silently told them "this is your chance to turn things around." Nope. Looks like I've got another pair of ditch-me pants, 'cause guess who got ditched tonight...this girl.

There's a guy I've known forever. On paper, we're perfect for each other. But for whatever reason, it's never gone there. Recently he asked me if I wanted to try taking things to the next level. After some hesitation, I said ok. We go out to dinner every so often anyway, and as it happens, we had dinner scheduled for this evening.

When I hadn't heard from him this afternoon, I texted him to see what was up. (Against my better judgement- usually I'm a stubborn jerk and won't contact a guy unless he contacts me. So if we have plans and he doesn't confirm sufficiently ahead of time, I make other plans. I believe it's called cutting off the nose to spite the face.) He said he wasn't feeling well and would have to cancel. And continued to text flirty banter. So by this evening he made a sudden recovery and wanted to do dinner, after all. I was at the mall (nursing my wounds- no better cure for a rough day than a shopping trip). I raced home to clean the house (which was a disaster) and get gussied up. I was out of the shower and about to start doing my makeup when the phone rang: he was having second thoughts.

To be honest, I felt a mixture of annoyance....and relief. I don't think I'm ready to go down that road, and clearly neither is he. But it added a lot of unnecessary aggravation. And the worst part was that I wasn't done shopping.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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