
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Losing it

I'm trying not to make every post a Mac post, but these days it's tough.

He is still hanging in there. It has been quite a roller coaster ride- every time I'm ready to give up and make our final vet appointment, he rallies. After a couple bad days in a row in which he didn't eat much at all, I spent most of last night crying my eyes out. (I know, at some point I really need to get a grip.)

Then this morning he jumped put of bed (lately he's been lazy in the morning and I have to coax him out of bed) and ran down he stairs to go outside. His appetite isn't close to what it should be, but he ate half a hot dog for dinner.

Which brings me to the story in this...Mac has always been a brat. It's part of his charm, and I'm convinced that his spunky, stubborn spirit has gotten him this far. He has always been a picky eater, going on "hunger strikes" for up to a couple days if what I feed him isn't what he wanted.

It has always been annoying and obnoxious. Now, it's driving me nuts. I try to guess what he'll eat, and it's been something different every day now. For a while it was beef teriyaki, and ONLY beef teriyaki. Then boneless spare ribs, chicken fingers (with ALL breading picked off. But not roasted chicken or grilled- chicken nuggets only), Omaha Steak hamburgers, and finally Omaha Steak filet mignon. Only Omaha Steak filet. I tried giving him plain old filet mignon from the meat market, and he refused to eat it.

And at this point, he's so weak, a couple days without eating is really, really bad.

So I drove to the Omaha Steak store nearby. I know I could have gotten a much better deal online. And even worse, my bff's mom works for another Omaha store and probably would have been happy to pick some filets up for me. But I couldn't afford to wait a couple days - after the past couple days I needed to pull out the stops NOW.

When I got to the store the sales guy went through the whole song and dance: "what cut of meat do you want? How do you like it cooked?"

After a few questions I couldn't take it. So I finally admitted the steaks were for my dog.

The sales guy, bless his heart, tried to steer me toward ground chuck. I had to explain that no, my dog won't eat chuck; in fact, he won't even eat non-Omaha steak filet mignon.

I think I get the prize for strangest customer of the day.

Poor sales guy still was not deterred and tried giving me cooking tips. I had to confess another shameful detail: I've been cubing up the steaks and pan frying them. On my stove top.

Somewhere in Montana, ranchers are rolling in their graves at the sacrilege upon prime beef I have committed.

But for now, I am so grateful to Omaha Steak and its products for buying me time! (The hot dog Mac ate part of today? Omaha Steak.) Clearly Mac has an extremely sophisticated palate.

My skinny boy.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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