
Saturday, December 17, 2011


I'm trying not to make every blog about dog stuff, but really, there's not a whole lot going on lately. It's been really busy with holiday stuff plus the usual stuff...but nothing exciting.

Tonight I was out running errands- getting ready for an ugly sweater party tonight. After getting most of the things on my list at Walmart, I stopped at Home Depot for mouse traps. I was in for a total of maybe 10 minutes. During that time my 20 pound dog ate about three quarters of a loaf of bread. I've left him alone in the car with Chinese food and he didn't touch it, so I thought my wonder bread would be ok. Not so much. It was the kind with added fiber, so I'm sure he'll be tons of fun later. He's VERY quiet right now, except for the occasional burp.

Is it mean if I take advantage of him being under the weather? I'm thinking this is a good time to try trimming his nails.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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