
Friday, September 30, 2011

The whole world in His hands

I know that in the scheme of world problems, a dog is probably low on the list. But I figure if the Lord knows every hair on my head, then He knows how ridiculous I am about my dog and He won't be too offended if I ask for a special request.

I consider myself Christian. I was raised Catholic, went to Catholic school, the whole thing. But now...not so great about going to Mass every sunday. Let's just leave it at that. Even though my habits aren't the greatest, I do consider myself religious.

Mac had another vet visit this week. It didn't go so great. He went for blood work to see how his body was reacting to a new medication. The hope was that, with a couple Xanax prior to his visit, the vet would be able to take a blood sample without sedating him. (Since he's a "heart patient," there's a risk when he gets sedated. And he's always been a wild man at the vet- they typically have to sedate him to do an exam. Before it wasn't a huge deal. Now, with his heart problems, it is a very big deal.)

The good news is that the blood work came back ok. The bad news is that he's been coughing like crazy since then.

For the first day, I tried not to freak out...I figured he had been stressed out at his vet visit, it could be a residual effect of the sedation, etc, etc...

It's been a couple days and he was still coughing tonight. I started to freak out. I even came home early to be with him. (The coughing is because his heart is so enlarged from working too hard to pump blood. It's pushing on his trachea and other organs, which makes him cough.)

Do I think Mac will live forever? No. But selfishly, I need him for a while longer. So I begged the Lord to just hold his little heart in His hands. Is that a stupid thing to pray for? Maybe. I know there are starving children and other much more important world issues. But after 48 hours of around the clock coughing, Mac stopped and seems ok.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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