
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Spoiled dog

When I lived with my parents, I used to wrap Mac in a warm towel after he would go out to potty in the cold/rain/snow. Now I'm living on the second flood, and the dryer is in the basement. Not convenient for a quick towel heat up- by the time I get it up the stairs it's cooling off. And especially now that Mac is having health issues, I'm babying him more than ever.

So I think I'm going to buy a towel warmer for him. I just looked on amazon- they sell the same kind they use at the salon- for about $60. Not too bad. And I'll get to use it for myself too.

Mac has been coughing a lot lately, so I came home to check on him at lunch. And ended up taking him back with me. He didn't actually come in to work- he stayed in the car. I'm sure anyone walking by would think I was a terrible dog owner, but I swear- he LOVES the car. He was happy as a clam, and he's hardly coughing tonight.

Here he is, hogging the bed last night. He was happily snoring away and I was squished over to the side- the white lump next to him is me. (He literally had his behind up against mine.)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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