
Sunday, September 25, 2011

B-day recap

Even though I'm not thrilled about getting older, this was definitely one of the best birthdays yet. Nothing crazy, just a solidly great day. I had lots of birthday greetings on Facebook, and since I'm a total fb nerd, it made my day.

It didn't hurt that my day got off to a particularly fabulous start- I left the house and found this on my car:

It was so pretty, I didn't even want to open it! Don't worry though, I did- it was a Tory Burch makeup bag! The gift was a surprise from one of my boos. (I don't have a boyfriend; I have the "boo list." More on that another time.) I was so excited- not just about the gift, but the thought that went into it! The same guy also texted me at exactly midnight to wish me happy bday. He definitely scored major points.

I capped off the evening with dinner and cake at my parents' house. My grandparents came too. I'm super close to them and am so thankful that they live close enough that we're able to see each other a lot.

And of course Mac isn't one to miss a party:

After he ate his own dinner (specially cooked for him by my parents!) he positioned himself under the table to snag any fallen scraps. Here he is eating ice cream that my mom is giving him- I swear, they treat him more like a toddler than a dog! Wonder where they get it from...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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