
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Redesign...coming soon!

Since I've been a total Debbie Downer lately, here's something exciting: I finally splurged and am getting a professional redesign for the blog! I'm very excited. I figured since the last couple weeks have been so lousy, I needed a little pick-me-up.

In other news, we are in a holding pattern with Mr. Maxwell. He perked up a little today and ate a bit. (Granted, I bribed him with rides in the car...) He's definitely not 100%, but he's got more pep than he did a few days ago. I'm supposed to check back in with the vet tomorrow. This may be selfish of me, but I'm not ready to make any decisions. I can't even bring myself to say out loud what the "decision" I have to make is! I'm just not ready. And he doesn't seem to be in pain or uncomfortable. He's not his usual crazy self, but he's still Mac.

I've been reading a lot of articles over the past few days- on congestive heart failure, Cushing's disease, etc. What stuck with me the most was this: one woman said she made a decision that when her dog couldn't do two of its three favorite activities, then it was time. Today Mac was riding around with his head hanging out the window. I'm just not ready yet.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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