Brought Mac to the vet again this morning- the news wasn't good. In addition to the congestive heart failure (which he's had for a while) and probably Cushing's disease, the xrays showed a large mass in his liver. He just had a full workup of bloodwork and xrays about a month ago. The liver mass is something new, and some of his counts are off- kidneys, liver, and he's now anemic. He's got fluid in his lungs. And he still isn't eating much and is really lethargic. His heart has also enlarged significantly since his last xray, and he's lost 2 more pounds since his visit on Wednesday.
So basically, everything.
My heart is breaking. He's home now, and I'm going to check in with the vet on Monday. Unless something miraculous happens between now and then, I'm probably going to have to make some tough decisions. The vet said we are talking about days, not weeks.
It does make me feel a little bit better to know I've done everything possible without compromising his quality of life. I'm not going to subject him to all kinds of testing and surgery just to buy a few more months. We've been monitoring and treating his heart condition since the day he was diagnosed. I had hoped for a little more time with him, but I also don't want to be selfish. I don't want him to suffer just because I'm not ready to let him go.
It also makes me feel better that, even though he's weak and tired right now, he's still Mac. He still gets excited for a ride in the car, and he still hangs his head out the window while riding shotgun. His crazy little personality has always been what I love most about him, and I'm grateful he still has his spunk.

Here he is on the way home from the vet today.

Lying down next to me while I blog...looking skinny :-(

From this angle you can see how enlarged his chest is and how much weight he has lost.
My poor little monkey.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad