
Monday, January 2, 2012

Post-holiday recap

Where does the time go?? I can't believe Christmas and New Year's are over already! I didn't take much time off for the holidays this year- I took a random day a couple weeks ago, then we had long weekends for both Christmas and New Year's....but that was it. I think I'm in need of some time off to recharge. I was talking about it today- I realized in the past couple years, I've had 5 different jobs. FIVE. And that doesn't even count the times I was bounced around through a few different departments at my current place. (Before you think I'm a crazy flake, there's a very good reason I've moved jobs so much: I work in politics, and last year was campaign season. 'Nuf said.)

Plus I bought my house. I won't even get into the madness at came along with THAT.

So the past couple years have been crazy ones. 2010 was particularly tumultuous for me, and I remember feeling relieved last New Year's eve just to have it over with! I didn't have quite as much upheaval in 2011, but I feel like I spent the year getting settled in: to my job, in my house. I watched my sweet dog Mac get sicker and sicker. Then before I knew it I found another dog, and that was a whole new process of both of us getting settled.

My goal for 2012 is to just be able to enjoy things more. Not be waiting for the next hurdle, but just to be happy for what's already here. I'm not big on resolutions, because I feel like if I need to do something, I need to do it- not because it's a certain day.

I had a very mellow New Year's even this year. Instead of going to a party or bar, I spent the night with one of my college roommates. It felt appropriate: her husband was in the Marines for a while, and I used to go visit her wherever they were stationed. I went to stay with her for a few New Year's eves when her husband was deployed. Now he's not in the service anymore, but he's away for work. She has a sick toddler and was staying home. So I went over, we got Chinese food and drank wine and champagne, played cards and watched the ball drop.

I'm hoping this New Year's eve will set the tone for this year for me- I'm ready for less hustle and more mellow!

(Brewster agrees and is doing his part to help me veg out- he has been parked ON me for most of the evening!)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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