
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Getting back in the swing of things

This week totally kicked my butt! I went back to work, and while it's great to be getting back to normal, I have been totally wiped out all week. It didn't help that my boss was out the last few days for a conference, so I was holding down the fort solo. But, everything got done (I hope) much to my shock. When I looked at my to-do list on Friday, I really didn't think I'd get it all done.

I went for my post-op doctor's appointment this week, and it went great. My recovery is going about as well as possible (knock on wood!!). My stitches are out and I can finally see the back of my arm. And man, what a sight for sore eyes....I was SHOCKED at my post-op visit to learn just how big the plate is in my arm!!! I have TEN screws. It really is a bionic arm!

Brewster is still really unhappy that I can't do as much as usual. He's actually harassing me right now! And tonight I have a date...someone new. I'm a little nervous to show up with my robo-arm, but we'll see how it goes!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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