
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Update: going stir-crazy

I guess the theme for this week is that saying, "the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." Or something like that. I think it's actually a bible verse. Anyway...I'm ready to get up and go, but my body is not.

The good news is that, according to my physical therapist, I'm doing great and recovery is going about at well as can be expected. I'm making progress: now I can take off the bionic arm brace for short amounts of time! This is a HUGE relief for me, because that thing is driving me nuts. Taking off the brace meant I could also check out my incision...caution, not for the faint of heart:

Sorry for the poor quality. And the red mark at the corner of my phone? For SMS reason I've got a couple random stitches off to the side. Not sure why, but I'm sure my doc will give me the scoop at my follow-up appointment next week! The news from physical therapy was all good- I'm healing really well, swelling is way down and the surgery was very successful.

I'm still at my parents' house. They're great and are taking such good care of Brewster and me...but I'm ready to be back in my own place! Only problem is I still can't tie my own shoes...

I think by the time we go home Brewster will probably double in size! My parents are spoiling him rotten and he is loving it. He's getting a little bit out of control and was just full of piss and vinegar tonight- harassing my mom relentlessly. I think they've created a monster- a food monster! I NEVER give him table food and gave them strict instructions to stick to it- not just to be a stickler- he has a very sensitive stomach! (I don't call him Funky Brewster for nothing. For such a small dog, he can clear a room.) But I keep catching them slipping him bites of food, and I know that there's a lot more I'm not seeing. Now whenever there's food around, B just expects some and gets really sassy if he doesn't get what he wants.

He does make a very nice lap desk though!

Poor quality pic, but that's B with his new BFF, my mom!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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