
Monday, April 16, 2012

Let the good times roll

With today's unseasonably warm weather, my neighbors decided to start celebrating summer a little early. Since my house sits at the intersection where one street ends at mine - aka, a fairly big chunk of open space for the middle of the 'hood - the prime set-off spot for fireworks is riiight in front of my house. Awesome.

A more adventurous person would probably see it as a front row seat for the show. Me? Not so much. And Brewster? Definitely not. Since he's new to the 'hood, today was his initiation into the hellishness that is legalized fireworks. He was not a happy camper. First he just shook and tried to burrow next to me.

Then he got all weird and sat up staring at the couch cushions.

"If I can't see it, maybe it'll go away?!?"

This is him trying to hunker down.

If tonight was any indication, it's going to be a longggg summer. And I love summer. But I really don't like fireworks.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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