
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Behaving like an adult

I'm still shopping for a "new" car. I've made an executive decision: although I'd love to get a fun car, I'm going to get something practical. Any leftover money from the insurance settlement will go toward a badly needed kitchen remodel. Good lord, I guess this is what being a grown up is all about. I'm a car person- I love cars. I want something I'm excited to drive. But I'm compromising. I'm not getting something completely boring, but it's not going to be my dream car either. I didn't have a car payment before, and I really don't want one now.

I'm also bringing a dish to Easter at my aunt's house. I feel like a legit responsible adult since I'm no longer showing up to family functions empty-handed. Last week I went to my (other) aunt and uncle's house and brought pastry. If I keep it up people are going to expect this regularly!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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