
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Adventures in online dating

So I finally did it...I caved and got myself an online dating profile. It has dawned on me (after having it pointed out numerous times) that I'm probably not going to meet the man of my dreams at the dive bar where I hang out.

This is going to take some getting used to, because right now I feel...dirty. And discouraged. Maybe it's because most of the guys who've contacted me are creepy, but it just feels wrong to have my info out there for all these people to see.

And, just as my friends call me "shit magnet" in real life, it turns out I'm an online shit magnet too! For some reason a lot of 20/21 year olds are contacting me. Is that what the kids are doing these days? Because I may look younger than my age, but I'm not looking to be anyone's cougar.

And the lines these guys use... "Wow, I'm fully convinced God must be a woman to create a physical specimen as adorable as you beautiful."

It is me?? Are there women out there who actually respond to this kind of stuff??

Because if that's what the dating pool has to offer, I'd rather stay home alone with my dog.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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