
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Brewster's bad habit

Brewster is a total lovebug. He really is the sweetest little thing. Every time I look at him, I just can't believe someone gave him away- and to a shelter to boot.

But he does one thing that really drives me nuts (well, besides the horrible gas): he is constantly licking his paws. I know it's a nervous habit, but I try not to let him do it because I don't want him to wear down his pads.

And I can't help but wonder- why do I always end up with a neurotic dog?? Mac was on doggie Prozac, bless his little heart. I really don't want to put Brewster on it too, but if he won't stop his OCD paw licking I don't know what else to do. I don't think Bitter Apple would work with him because he will eat ANYTHING. One time he was bugging me for food so bad, I gave him a lemon slice just to spite him. I thought it would teach him a lesson- instead he started licking it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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