
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Brewster's bad habit

Brewster is a total lovebug. He really is the sweetest little thing. Every time I look at him, I just can't believe someone gave him away- and to a shelter to boot.

But he does one thing that really drives me nuts (well, besides the horrible gas): he is constantly licking his paws. I know it's a nervous habit, but I try not to let him do it because I don't want him to wear down his pads.

And I can't help but wonder- why do I always end up with a neurotic dog?? Mac was on doggie Prozac, bless his little heart. I really don't want to put Brewster on it too, but if he won't stop his OCD paw licking I don't know what else to do. I don't think Bitter Apple would work with him because he will eat ANYTHING. One time he was bugging me for food so bad, I gave him a lemon slice just to spite him. I thought it would teach him a lesson- instead he started licking it.

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Uncharted territory

My relationship past has been checkered, to say the least. It takes a lot for me to fall for a guy, but when I do....I really do. And, being of a certain age (cough, over 30), I've had my heart broken along the way. My friend Sass jokes that the guys in my life have a pattern: "I love you, you're the most amazing person I've ever met, I want to be with you forever...ok, goodbye!"

That has pretty much literally happened. More than once. So I think it's understandable that I'm a little guarded now.

And as for type? I don't have one. There's just an unquantifiable "it" that's either there, or not. A psychic once told me that I'm perceptive to someone's energy, and that's what attracts me. I don't put much stock in promises from psychics, but that's actually a pretty accurate way to describe it.

So why am I feeling so analytical? I met a guy. This is the first time in a really long time that I've actually had feelings for someone. And it is absolutely terrifying me.

I'm a control freak when it comes to relationships- probably why I haven't been in one for so long! Being in this weird in-between stage is driving me insane. I know I really like this guy. I'm not ready to commit, and I don't think he is either. And while I want to still keep my options open...I hate the thought of him keeping his options open.

Being single and over 30 can be rough terrain- most of my friends are married and have been for quite some time. And while I'm perfectly happy being the third wheel with my girlfriends and their husbands for social outings, they really can't relate to what it's like to date now.

What it all boils down to is that when I find myself having a freak out like this, most of my friends don't really understand. So I'm kind of on my own trying to figure things out. And that's a drag.

The good news is at least I still have this guy:

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Three strikes, I'm out

Busted arm, "monthly friend"...and now a viral infection to boot. Not to mention the fun of Valentine's Day, aka "singles awareness day." This has not been my week!

The good news is that Brewster had a fabulous vday- I gave him a four-pack of squeaky tennis balls and his eyes almost bugged out of his head. Poor thing was in a frenzy, he was so excited.

That intent stare was focused on his beloved tennis ball. He was about to leap out of his skin when I took that pic!

My furry valentine.

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