
Monday, May 21, 2012

STG gets adventurous

I survived Ethiopian food. And, dare I say...I liked it. One of the best first dates I've had, ever.

We had great conversation (helped in large part by the two bottles of wine we consumed). He mentioned a comedian who said something about how, in relationships, for the first six months you're not really dating the person, you're dating their "representative." Because at first people are acting on their best behavior and not really letting it all hang out. We both agreed we don't do the whole representative thing- I can't be bothered. Yes, I'm messy. And my dog is a pain in the neck. But love it or hate it, this is who I am.

So. I guess I'm about to put my money where my mouth is- he's stopping by (did I mention we live about a mile from each other?!) and I am in my pajamas. And glasses. And my hair's up in a ponytail. Yikes.

And Brewster? Is being psycho today. I left him in the car for 15-20 minutes (long story) and he CHEWED THROUGH HIS LEASH. All the way through.

No wonder I get migraines!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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