
Monday, June 17, 2013

A friend's dog died recently. It was terribly sad; Daisy was 14 and a much-loved member of their family...and just an all-around great dog.

One week to the day after Daisy died, my friend stumbled upon an item she's been trolling for on eBay for years. And although it usually sells for well over $100, there was a "buy it now" price of $44. After checking out, my friend realized that the seller's user name was "daisydog." She took it as a sign from Daisy. And I'm not going to lie, I kinda did too.

And then I started thinking....

I know several people who've said they experienced some kind of sign from a departed loved one. And selfish and ridiculous as this is...I was kinda miffed that I haven't had any kind of "sign" from my Memere.

Yeah, I know: completely ridiculous. But I miss her, a lot. Still.

When I bought my house (just over 3 years ago) my aunt gave me my Memere's silver tea set. Out of all the things from her house, this was probably the most meaningful for me. I used to play with it all the time when I went to my grandmother's house. I thought she must be a very fancy person to have such a fancy tea set.

However, the tea set has sat in boxes since it was given to me, and is now in serious need of a good cleaning. 

Before she got sick (so probably a year and a half to 2 years ago) my Memere gave me a small, high table that had been in her parlor - perfect to display the tea set. But, I left it in my parents' garage until I could bring it to my house - I didn't have room in my car. And it got damaged - irreparably, I thought. My dad was very apologetic, but said he was going to throw it out.

So that was that. Occasionally I'll tool around craigslist and look for a table for the tea set, but on the list of stuff that has to be done around here, that is wayyyy down on the list.

This past weekend, I was out running errands. I saw silver polish for a good price at Home Goods, so I decided to buy it. Even though I had nowhere to put the tea set. And I'm broke as you-know-what this week. It was the kind of purchase that made me question my sanity, just a little - totally frivolous and unnecessary, especially when I'm this broke.

The next day I went to my parents' house for Father's Day (which was awesome, btw...just an all-around great day). Lo and behold, my dad still had the table, AND he was able to fix it. I was SHOCKED. It's now sitting in my dining room, waiting for me to polish up the tea set.

This wasn't exactly a ghostly apparition, but then again, she was never one for big displays. I'd like to think she's still keeping an eye on me and helping out in her little ways.