One week to the day after Daisy died, my friend stumbled upon an item she's been trolling for on eBay for years. And although it usually sells for well over $100, there was a "buy it now" price of $44. After checking out, my friend realized that the seller's user name was "daisydog." She took it as a sign from Daisy. And I'm not going to lie, I kinda did too.
And then I started thinking....
I know several people who've said they experienced some kind of sign from a departed loved one. And selfish and ridiculous as this is...I was kinda miffed that I haven't had any kind of "sign" from my Memere.
Yeah, I know: completely ridiculous. But I miss her, a lot. Still.
When I bought my house (just over 3 years ago) my aunt gave me my Memere's silver tea set. Out of all the things from her house, this was probably the most meaningful for me. I used to play with it all the time when I went to my grandmother's house. I thought she must be a very fancy person to have such a fancy tea set.
However, the tea set has sat in boxes since it was given to me, and is now in serious need of a good cleaning.
Before she got sick (so probably a year and a half to 2 years ago) my Memere gave me a small, high table that had been in her parlor - perfect to display the tea set. But, I left it in my parents' garage until I could bring it to my house - I didn't have room in my car. And it got damaged - irreparably, I thought. My dad was very apologetic, but said he was going to throw it out.
So that was that. Occasionally I'll tool around craigslist and look for a table for the tea set, but on the list of stuff that has to be done around here, that is wayyyy down on the list.
This past weekend, I was out running errands. I saw silver polish for a good price at Home Goods, so I decided to buy it. Even though I had nowhere to put the tea set. And I'm broke as you-know-what this week. It was the kind of purchase that made me question my sanity, just a little - totally frivolous and unnecessary, especially when I'm this broke.
The next day I went to my parents' house for Father's Day (which was awesome, btw...just an all-around great day). Lo and behold, my dad still had the table, AND he was able to fix it. I was SHOCKED. It's now sitting in my dining room, waiting for me to polish up the tea set.
This wasn't exactly a ghostly apparition, but then again, she was never one for big displays. I'd like to think she's still keeping an eye on me and helping out in her little ways.